
niedziela, 4 lipca 2021

Summer countryside...

Lipiec rozpoczynam wpisem do mojego artjournala w temacie "Summer countryside" - idealna propozycja na lato, którą przygotowała Alison, dla Art Journal Journey.

U mnie zabawa mgiełkami, tuszami distress, stemplami, farbą strukturalną i embossingiem.

Pozdrawiam wakacyjnie 🌞

12 komentarzy:

  1. That page has wonderful texture and feels like summer. I love the choice of flowers. That girl with her basket in the frame is a great addition also. You found the perfect girl for this page. Thanks so much for sharing this beauty with us at Art Journal Journey Matilde. Hugs-Erika

  2. Absolutely lovely page... with so many of my favourite things - wonderful texture, rusty decay, beautiful meadow flowers and a Paper Doll at the heart of it all. Wonderful! Thanks so much for joining us in the Summer Countryside at Art Journal Journey.
    Alison x

  3. Piękny wpis, świetne, odświeżające kolory i faktury :)

  4. A beautiful page and scene, the grasses and wild flower images are lovely to draw the eye to the other wonderful images. Thank you for linking to Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  5. I am in awe of this incredible beauty you gave us. I love the texture and the colors you chose, as well as the paper doll. Adding the meadow flowers made it a really wonderful summer addition to Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  6. So beautiful! I love the colors and the incredible texture.

  7. Co za wspaniała kolorystyka:)

  8. This is wonderful and so romantic page!
    Have a happy time, hugs Elke

  9. What a beautiful page! Love the texture and that rust is fabulous! A tea spread of Art Journal Journey, Chrisx

  10. Gorgeous art journal pages ! X

  11. This is so gorgeous! Just beautiful!


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