
piątek, 17 września 2021

Going round in circles...

Kółka to temat przewodni wyzwania na blogu Try it on Tuesday. Postanowiłam przyłączyć się do zabawy i na tę okoliczność stworzyłam wpis do mojego artjournala.

Kilka stempli, kredki akwarelowe, gesso i strona gotowa!

Sukienkę dziewczynki pokryłam glossy accents.

Pracę zgłaszam jeszcze do wyzwania "Vintage" na Art Journal Journey.

Pozdrawiam serdecznie!

8 komentarzy:

  1. How sweet Matilde. Yellow and blue work so well together, and I am a fan of polka dots (well circles too.) What a wonderful piece. Thanks for sharing with us at Try It on Tuesday. With that cute vintage girl you could also join us at ARt Journal JOurney this month also, if you'd like. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  2. Thank you for the suggestion, Erika. I didn't think about it :)

  3. And thanks for joining us for Wendy's challenge also!

  4. Hi Mathilde, your journal spread is gorgeous, so pretty. Love the colours, too. Thanks for joining us at AJJ and TIOT, much appreciated. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  5. It is a wonderful journal spread with a delightful image and background. Thank you for linking to the challenges at TioT's and Wendy's Vintage one at AJJ.

  6. I'm thrilled you chose to also join us at Art Journal Journey, Matilda. She's a beautiful little angel. This is a really beautiful spread, so full of great texture. I would love to feel the pages because they look so textural. Thank you so very much for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Wendy's theme.

  7. What a lovely page, the little girl doesn't look very happy to have those wings. Great colour scheme as well Just right for my vintage theme on Art Journal Journey, thank you for sharing with us.

  8. Oh My! This is so beautiful! I love these colours and your little angel is so sweet ! Thank you so much for joining us both at Art Journal Journey and Try It On Tuesday, Chrisx


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