Mi艂o mi Was przywita膰 w kolejnym roku mojego kreatywnego dzia艂ania w blogosferze 馃槉
Ten rok zaczynam wpisem do art journala w temacie zaproponowanym przez Erik臋 z BioArtGal na blogu Art Journal Journey - "Let's face it".
Wykorzysta艂am mask臋, stemple, farbki, czyli to co w journalingu lubi臋 najbardziej 馃グ
Pozdrawiam wszystkich serdecznie i 偶ycz臋 samych dobrych chwil w Nowym Roku!
Wow! I just love this one.
I love that face photo you used. It is so interesting Matilde. And you created some nice layering behind it too. All together, this is a great page. Thanks so much for linking up to AJJ for my challenge this month. It is much appreciated. Hugs-Erika
OdpowiedzUsu艅Wspania艂y wpis! Podziwiam 馃槉
OdpowiedzUsu艅Wszystkiego co najlepsze w Nowym Roku!
Oh wow! This is absolutely stunning!!!
OdpowiedzUsu艅What a fabulous page for Erika's theme at AJJ. That's a great image. Hugs, Chrisx
OdpowiedzUsu艅I'm not sure you will even see this Matilde, but I sure hope so. This is a real beauty the way you treated the background and the face. This is perfect for Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey. I'm late visiting because my internet and phone were offline for five days due to a tree branch snapping the line that led to the house.
OdpowiedzUsu艅Fabulous page! The background showcases the image so beautifully 馃榾. Happy January! Hugs Jo x