
niedziela, 4 czerwca 2023

Try something new...

Kolejny wpis z cyframi poczyniony na wyzwanie w Art Journal Journey, które gościnnie prowadzę w czerwcu :)

Wykorzystałam moje nowe stemple od Tima Holtza, tusze distress oxide, cudowny pigment color glow od 13arts i puder do embossingu z brokatem 🤩

Pozdrawiam serdecznie i zapraszam do zmierzenia się z tym wyzwaniem!

6 komentarzy:

  1. Those are fabulous colors Matilde. And I like all the bits and pieces, as well as the cool stamped back ground. That’s a great new stamp! And this page is perfect for your challenge. Happy new week to you. Hugs Erika

  2. Beautiful piece, and fabulous colours, I love green and purple. This is a fun challenge. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Great colours, idea and wonderful journal page with number!
    Hug Elke

  4. Ooooh, Matilde! I LOVE your style! This page is absolutely gorgeous. Your use of numbers is perfect, and I really like the beautiful background you created! Thanks so much!! Hugs, Sharon

  5. This really is beautiful-I adore these colours with the text in the background, hugs, Chrisx


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